This is not medical, legal or financial advice. This is an unregulated notification service provided by an activist.
Notify Your Past Sexual Partner thru ISJnotify
Learning you are living or diagnosed with an STD/STI/HIV can be very difficult. But contacting previous partners can be even more embarrassing or difficult; and lets face it, waiting on a Health Department could mean that person doesn't get tested for months. So, launches ISJnotify, a free service to keep you anonymous, but quickly and efficiently notify your past sexual partner the importance of getting tested ASAP.

(This service will, based on the information you provide, either email, call or connect with the username you provide of the past sexual partner and inform them that they might have been recently exposed to HIV/STD/STI and provide them with information on being tested. Your identity isn't known or disclosed.)
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  • Choose which or all should be notified to sexual partner that you have tested positive.

    By continuing and submitting this form, you completely understand that this a free, volunteer service & you completely release ISJ from any & all liability. For the privacy of all individuals, this provided information will not be shared.
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