Offer of Travel Insurance
This form is required and it verifies that you have been offered Travel Insurance and will document your decision to purchase Travel Insurance
This form is designed with security measures in place to protect your information.
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  • As an example ---
    Iberostar Lindo, Rivera Maya, Mexico - Family Vacation
    Princess Cruise, Eastern Caribbean - Honeymoon
  • The address you wish to have receipts, replies and questions to be sent to.
  • Latitudes Travel offers a variety of different Travel Insurance options both through certain travel providers as well as a third party independent option.
    Levels of protection and benefits differ by policy and, in some cases, may depend on when you purchase the insurance in regards to when you book your vacation/travel package.
  • By entering this information, you confirm the information on this form to be true and accurate.
    Furthermore, I guarantee and warrant that I am Authorized to make this decision for all parties listed on this form.
  • If you don't have a touch screen/pad you can use your mouse to sign... Yeah we know it is really hard, just do your best !
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