Brenau Graduate Writing Service Client Survey
Thank you for helping us improve our services!
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
    My overall experience with the GWS was very helpful.
    The consultant was knowledgable about the academic writing process.
    The consultant was able to help me improve the quality of my academic writing.
    The consultant communicated clearly with me about my writing.
    The consultant communicated with me promptly about my writing.
    The consultant provided me with relevant, specific feedback on how to improve my writing.
    The consultant was eager to help me succeed as an academic writer.
    The consultant was able to answer my questions and address my specific problems with writing.
    If the need arose, I would use the GWS again.
    I would recommend the GWS to my fellow graduate students.
    Purchasing graduate writing credits from the Business Office was simple.
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