I would like an Atlas login
If you require access to Atlas please complete the following.
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  • Please upload a hi-res jpeg profile picture of yourself for use within the proposal builder contact page.

    1. Use a recent photo of yourself – if the picture was taken 10 years ago and you now look somewhat different, people will be rather surprised when they meet you in person.
    2. You should be the only subject in the photo – it’s a professional photo – you’re the subject
    3. Your face should be in focus – the background can be slightly blurred but the features of your face need to be sharp
    4. Wear appropriate professional attire – whatever customers can expect to see you wearing when you meet them in person
    5. Your head should be straight and upright – give the impression of confidence and capability (not arrogance so keep your chin down)
    6. Maintain a pleasant facial expression – you want the prospective customer to like you, don’t look too serious, the photo needs to covey a liveliness which you will bring to the relationship with the customer. It’s not a passport photo which in most cases has the
    opposite effect.

    A couple of tips
    - Angle body about 45 degrees and face the camera
    - Avoid harsh light to mitigate shadows
    - Ensure the setting on your camera or phone is to the highest setting it is capable of
    - Ask a colleague or a friend to take the photo – sorry no ‘selfies’

    If you require assistance please contact the marketing team.