Party Favor Order Helper

Design # *
Lettering Style Name *
See Lettering Style Page for your choice of Styles, Colors, etc. at:
Lettering Color *
Verse # *
See Verse Ideas Page(s) for your choice of Verses.
Type "None" if you do not wish to have any verse on your favors.
Choice of Flower Seeds *
 Forget-Me-Not Seeds 
 Baby's Breath Seeds 
 Wildflower Seeds 
If you do not make a Seed choice, you will automatically receive whichever seeds
we have most of in stock at the time.
Optional Planting Instructions on back of Seed Packets *
 YES, include the Planting Instructions 
 NO, do not include the Seeds planting instructions 
Name(s), Date, Time, and/or Place of Event to be personalized on Favors *
Please double check spelling. Does the day of the week agree with the date of the month? Please verify for accuracy.
Quantity (Minimum of 12) *
Date of Event *

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