2015 Dickinson / Explorer Little Theatre Project
In conjunction with Pat Haines Ainsworth
"The Day Zero Left Dodge"

We are still in need of producers for the Little theatre for this year. Consider donating your time for this great activity for kids. Your child will be guaranteed a spot in theatre if you volunteer as a producer. Please contact littletheater@dickinsonptsa.org if you are interested.

Please complete this online application, turn in the hard copy available on PTSA website or in the school foyer to the Dickinson/Explorer front office or email the hard copy to littletheater@dickinsonptsa.org no later than Monday December 15th, 2014 at 3:30pm; in order to be included in the lottery drawing, if one is required. Lottery will take place Thursday December 18th, 2014.

It is our hope to include every student who wishes to participate in this program. However, the script for this play has been adapted for 50 cast members. If more than 50 students apply, we may have a lottery to determine the cast.

Prior to the auditions a parent meeting will be scheduled in the beginning of January (date to be decided), in the school library. Please note that this meeting is MANDATORY for at least one parent/guardian per child who wishes to participate in the Little Theater Project. We require parents to volunteer for little theatre, signups occur at this meeting. The meeting is scheduled before the auditions so that each family fully understands the nature of the total commitment. Please note, there will be no child care provided during this time.


* Must have an approved LWSD volunteer status on file

* PTSA membership is encouraged and scholarships are available

* For those who cannot volunteer for rehearsals there are many other
volunteer opportunities - 18 separate committees.

* Signup sheets on back bookcases

* Each Family should plan to cover 3 after school rehearsal shifts

* Each family should plan on being on one committee and chaperoning a
minimum of 3 rehearsals

* Committee lists will be confirmed after the meeting by email.

* Committee chair will contact you regarding details of the job.
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