Diocese of Southwest America - Sponsorship Form
Diocesan Directory portraying the history and activities of our Parishes, Congregations and information of all the Priests in our Diocese.
  • If you have any questions, or having issue with the form....

    please feel free to contact :

    Prince Abraham - 214 729 5345, abevarughese@gmail.com
    Jiju John - 972 800 0688, jijujohn@gmail.com

    Rev. Fr. Raju Daniel - 214 476 6584 frdanielraju@yahoo.com
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  • If you have any questions, or having issue with the form....

    please feel free to contact :

    Prince Abraham - 214 729 5345, abevarughese@gmail.com
    Jiju John - 972 800 0688, jijujohn@gmail.com

    Rev. Fr. Raju Daniel - 214 476 6584 frdanielraju@yahoo.com

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