Judging Application

What category do you wish to judge? *
 Best Alternate Universe 
 Best Angst 
 Best Challenge Response 
 Best Humor 
 Best Original Character 
 Best Oneshot 
 Best Romance 
What would you like to be called? *
Your email: *
Theia needs this so she can send you the list of requirements of a judge and send you the nominees.
Your FanFiction.Net profile link: *
How many stories can you read? *
 5 or less 
 10 to 15 
 20 or more. Bring it on! 
Have you judged a category before? *
If so, which one?
Your biography for FM: *
Why should I trust you to be impartial, to follow the guidelines of being an FM Judge, and to follow the rules of FF.Net? *
Why do you want to be a Judge of FM? *
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