Sleep apnea: what it is?
Sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing during sleep; this may be one or more breathing pauses and is characterized by the fact that there are no movements of respiratory muscles. It is a very serious condition that can endanger life and is more common than previously believed.

The condition called sleep apnea syndrome is characterized by the way in which breathing during sleep stops. In untreated sleep apnea, breathing is interrupted or becomes very shallow during sleep. These pauses between breathing typically lasts 10 to 20 seconds and can occur hundreds of times each night. Besides fatigue, sleep apnea can lead to serious long-term health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and weight gain.
 Sleep apnea
Those who make higher risk of sleep apnea are overweight, hypertensive, those who snore loudly and those who have problems in the nose, throat or other parts of the upper airway.

The use of alcohol and sedatives increase the frequency and duration of pauses in breathing. Those suffering from untreated sleep apnea stop breathing for short periods, but repeatedly, repeatedly (20-30 times per hour, sometimes more). Which means that - during sleep apnea - the brain, and the body does not receive enough oxygen.

Between episodes of apnea snores occur. Sleep apnea is characterized of shortness of breath. Frequent interruptions of deep, restful sleep often lead to early morning headaches and excessive sleepiness during the day.

During apnea person does not receive oxygen and carbon dioxide is not eliminated which results in low blood oxygen levels and increased carbon dioxide. This alerts the brain to resume breathing and cause waking person.

Risk factors
- Males are more susceptible to this condition;
- Overweight;
- Over 65 years;
- Smoking;
- Alcohol or sedatives;
- Large neck size (circumference over 43 cm);
- Large size of the tonsils, tongue, jaw bone;
- Family history of sleep apnea
- The black race is the age group most affected Sunbeam 35;
- Nasal obstruction due to septal deviations, of allergies or some sinus problems.
Urgent need to go to the doctor
• Symptoms that may indicate a serious condition such as:
• Pain or tightness in the chest;
• Difficulty breathing;
• Profuse sweating;
• Numbness on one side of the body;
• Weakness on one side of the body;
Consult a doctor if:
• There is snoring quite loudly as to disturb the sleep of the person or of others;
• Shortness of breath appears that the affected person wakes from sleep;
• Appear pause intermittent breathing during sleep;
• There are drowsy during the day that can make the affected person to fall asleep while watching TV, working or driving.

Sleep apnea is a very serious condition that you should definitely take into consideration above all if you drive a lot, for pleasure or work. If you’re a truck driver, than sleeping apnea should definitely be treated. Find out more about DOT and sleep apnea, and also consult this source to find out more about this disease.
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