●Send an e-mail to MYCALVIN.NET@GMAIL.COM and put on the subject your name and you will get the list automatically sent to your e-mail within 1 minute.
●This list comes in handy if you need someone to cover your shift.
●Make sure you read the top of the e-mail! There are instructions there regarding who can and can't work certain shifts.
●If there's an * to the left of their name, you CANNOT call them to work during the day on the sales floor.

1- Send an e-mail to MYCALVIN.NET@GMAIL.COM with your name on the subject. You will receive a reply with the list within 1 minute.
2- Review the instructions on top of the e-mail that you received.
3- Contact someone from the list who qualifies to cover your shift.
4- Communicate the date and time clearly to them.
5- Call the store to notify the person's name, date and time of the shift.
6- Tell the person who's taking your shift that they must also call and notify.
*Once both associates have called the responsibility to work the shift is transferred to the new associate who agreed to take the shift- they will be the one held accountable if they don't show up.
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