Fan and Fiction POSTER Request Form
Kindly fill up all the necessary information to realize your request.

*Indicates required field.
  • What country are you from?
  • Kindly provide a valid e-mail address. I will inform you of the status of your poster through e-mail.
  • Please provide the URL of your story wherever you're posting it. You can give me the URL in or or your blog.
  • I can only allow maximum of four persons in the poster. More then four will make the poster look crowded and the quality will be lower. Please key in individual persons - not groups.
  • Tell how he's supposed to look like. Is he supposed to look angry, sexy, funny, smiling, poker-faced, anything.
  • I can only allow maximum of four persons in the poster. More then four will make the poster look crowded and the quality will be lower. Please key in individual persons - not groups.
  • Tell how she's supposed to look like. Is she supposed to look angry, sexy, funny, smiling, lonely, grumpy, poker-faced, anything.
  • I can only allow maximum of four persons in the poster. More then four will make the poster look crowded and the quality will be lower. Please key in individual persons - not groups.
  • I can only allow maximum of four persons in the poster. More then four will make the poster look crowded and the quality will be lower. Please key in individual persons - not groups.
  • Tell how he's supposed to look like. Is he supposed to look angry, sexy, funny, smiling, poker-faced, anything.
  • Give me the URL of your desired background image. This is not required.
  • Please tell me what color you wish to dominate your poster.
  • Choose ONLY ONE.
  • Where will the story take place?
  • Provide a brief summary of the plot you have in mind.
  • Tell me anything, like the placement of the elements, hue of the color, if you have something you want to add, or just anything you want to elaborate. Please be polite.
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