Seller Product Submission Form
h.a.v.e. is a supporter of up-and-coming designers, aspiring artists and vintage collectors. We want to learn about you and provide you with an opportunity to expose your designs to a broad audience that will ultimately drive new customers to your shop and create new fans and admirers of your work. For a chance to have your furniture or home accessories featured on h.a.v.e. as a ‘must have’ item please complete the form below
  • Seller Information

    First, lets get to know each other. Tell us about yourself.
  • City, State
  • Tell us a little bit about yourself
  • Product Information

    Tell us about the product you would like to have featured as the 'must have' item of the day.
  • $ .
  • $ .
    Must be 50-80% off original retail price
  • Are there any restrictions on where you will ship this item?
  • $ .
  • Do you accept returns, if so what is the process to return an item?
  • Please provide the link to the picture of the prodcut you would like to be used for the feature. Or you can email pictures to
  • Please provide the link to the picture of the prodcut you would like to be used for the feature. Or you can email pictures to
  • The Details

    If your product is selected to be featured on h.a.v.e. we will notify you of the date your product is scheduled go live. We will prepare the post using the information you provided however we reserve the right to edit the content as we feel necessary (eg. corrections to grammar and spelling, adding additional commentary, editing content for length, etc.) Please note, all pictures may not be included in the feature. When a product is purchased the transaction will happen through the h.a.v.e. website and completed through paypal. h.a.v.e. will forward the payment and shipping information to the seller. The seller is responsible for shipping all products and processing any returns if applicable.
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