Workshop on A PR3 Challenge - Registration Form

Please complete all fields below so we can handle your request.
  • (PhD, Postdoc, Academic, Industry, etc.)
  • Which venue would like to attend?

  • In person Online None
    Madrid venue (May 6)
  • *The sessions in Madrid will take place in both English and Spanish. The sessions in Barcelona will only take place in English.

  • **Participation of early career researchers is encouraged.

  • ***This workshop is supported by the Severo Ochoa grant with the collaboration of "la Caixa" Foundation and Fundación Ramón Areces.

  • Data Protection

    Your personal data will only be used by the Fundación Privada Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona (ISGlobal); CIF: G65341695; Postal address: Carrer Rosselló, number 132, 7th floor, 08036 Barcelona; Email:

    We collect and process the personal data you provide in this form for the sole purpose of registering the data of the person attending to the event entitled “A PR3 Challenge Workshop" in order to be able to communicate information relative to it or make the administrative procedures that may arise.

    The data will only be used by the people / units of ISGlobal that require it based on their functions and will not be transferred in any case nor will transfers be made in third countries or international organizations.

    We can only process your personal data with your consent, and it will be retained only as long as you do not withdraw consent.

    You can exercise all your rights under current data protection regulations, including the right to access, correction, objection, erasure, portability and restriction, by writing to the Data Protection Officer (, attaching a copy of your national identity document or equivalent.

    You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. If you do not agree with the manner in which ISGlobal handles your data or you consider that your rights have been infringed, you can file a complaint at any time with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( – C/ Jorge Juan, 6 de Madrid).