Not Used - Wartburg College NSTA (Science)

  • A student teacher should be able to perform effectively as a beginning teacher. Please rate your student teacher on the following scale.

    1-Recommend Intervention: Demonstrates disregard of Knowledge Base components; implementation generally deficient
    2-Unsatisfactory: Demonstrates limited application of Knowledge Base components; satisfactory implementation seldom achieved
    3-Adequate: Demonstrates satisfactory application of Knowledge Base components; implementation generally achieved
    4-Proficient: Demonstrates application of Knowledge Base components at a high performance level; shows some attributes of accomplished practice
    5-Exemplary: Demonstrates application of Knowledge Base components at a consistently high performance level; already shows many attributes of accomplished practice; highly motivated and engaged
    NA-Not observed
  • 1a. Understands the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of his/her field of licensure
  • 1b. Understands the central concepts of the supporting disciplines and the supporting role of science-specific technology
  • 1c. Shows an understanding of state and national curriculum standards and his/her impact on the content knowledge necessary for teaching
  • 2a. Plans multiple lessons using a variety of inquiry approaches that demonstrate his/her knowledge and understanding of how all students learn science
  • 2b. Includes active inquiry lessons where students collect and interpret data in order to develop and communicate concepts and understanding of scientific processes, relationships and natural patterns from empirical experiences. Science-specific technology is included in lessons as appropriate
  • 2c. Designs instruction and assessment strategies that confront and address naive concepts/preconceptions
  • 3a. Uses a variety of strategies that demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to select appropriate teaching and learning activities. Strategies are inclusive and motivating
  • 3b. Develops lesson plans that include active inquiry lessons where students collect and interpret data using applicable science-specific technology
  • 3c. Plans fair and equitable assessment strategies to analyze student learning and to evaluate if learning goals are met
  • 3d. Plans a learning environment and learning experience for all students that demonstrate chemical safety, safety procedures, and ethical treatment of living organisms within his/her licensure area
  • 4a. Designs activities in his/her classroom that demonstrates the safe and proper techniques for preparation, storage, dispensing, supervision, and disposal of all material used within their subject area
  • 4b. Designs and demonstrates activities that show an ability to implement emergency procedures and the maintenance of safety equipment, policies and procedures that comply with established state and/or national guidelines. Ensures safe science activities appropriate for the abilities of all students
  • 4c. Designs and demonstrates activities that show ethical decision-making with respect to the treatment of all living organisms. He/she emphasizes safe, humane, and ethical treatment of animals and complies with legal restrictions
  • 5a. Collects, organizes, analyzes, and reflects on diagnostic, formative and summative evidence demonstrating that scientific knowledge is gained and/or corrected
  • 5b. Provides data to show students are able to distinguish science from non-science, understand the practice of science as a human endeavor, and critically analyze assertions made in the name of science
  • 5c. Engages students in developmentally appropriate inquiries that require them to develop concepts and relationships from his/her observations, data, inferences in a scientific manner
  • 6a. Strives to continuously improve his/her knowledge and understanding of the ever changing knowledge base of both content and science pedagogy. Engages in professional development opportunities
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