CLEAR showing LEAD Summit VII

"Sin Fronteras - Education Beyond Borders"

Thursday, March 30, 2017
8:30am - 5:00pm

CLEAR is partnering with Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) and California State University, San Bernardino to live stream the LEAD VIII Summit. We invite you to join us for this cost free one-day summit as we convene key stakeholders: teaching professionals and educators, researchers, academics, scholars, administrators, independent writers and artists, policy and program specialists, students, parents, families, civic leaders, activists, and advocates. In short, those sharing a common interest and commitment to educational issues that impact Latinos.

8:30am - Check-in and Continental Breakfast
9:00am - Conference Begins
12:00pm - Lunch on your own
1:15pm - Conference Resumes
5:00pm - Conference Concludes

Bitwise, Classroom #4
700 Van Ness, Fresno, CA 93721

This is a live streaming event.
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