About us
We are not a dispensary.
We are a 100% volunteer operated website.
The only monetarily compensated persons are:
Couriers, Promotional Agents, FarmAssists and Medicine Providers.
All other individuals, or entities involved, are Independent Contractors.

Our entire yearly operational budget is $500.00

We have only a few trusted volunteers, who receive over 700+ calls and orders a day. (85% are fraudulent, or invalid).
We do not have the manpower to provide customer/patient services.
Hiring employees would raise the cost to the patient by 300%.

We provide a service, that provides the highest measure of safety to providers and the highest quality to patients, at true wholesale costs.

We insure quality, by testing each and every product, before offered on our selection menu.

The operation of this website service, is supported by membership fees.

Through witnessing the difficulties and conflict within Federal and State laws,
it was much safer to maintain the ways of our forefathers.
Bartering and patient to patient is the safest, most cost effective method overall anyway.
And combats the involvement of outside "Mexican Cartel".

The Results:
1. Increased safety to patients and providers.
2. Lower cost to patients.
3. Fair market value to producers.
4. Private patients instead of capitalizing cartel organizations.

Today we are a patient to patient and farmer to provider cooperative.
Medicines originating from Mendocino, Humboldt & Trinity counties.
We have experienced growers and producers in 40 states and D.C.
Through partnerships, clones and seeds, our attempt is to maintain consistent quality and low patient cost.

Strains and potency may vary slightly between counties.
(Some medicine selections may not be available in all states.)
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