2nd world UWK World Karate Championships - En

This form represents a binding request from you. Once we have received the completed form we will proceed to the verification of the actual availability and within 1/2 days we will send you the final "Confirmation of reservation" or alternative proposal.
Filling this form you will accept the conditions specified at the link: http://www.ranieritouroperator.com/single-project.php?id=322
  • / /
  • / /
  • Hotel
    Vi preghiamo inserire 3 nomi hotel in ordine di preferenza
  • Single - nr.
    Double singole use - nr.
    Twin - nr.
    Double - nr.
    Triple - nr.
    Double +1 beds -nr.
    Quadruple - nr.
    Double +2 bes - nr.
  • HB BB
    Night of 28 november
    Night of 29 november
    NIght of 30 november
    NIght of 01 december
    NIght of 02 december
    Night of 03 december
    Night of 04 december