Calling a Mold Remediation Contractor for Help

Mold, which is a kind of fungus, is every family's problem. It can invade your home without your knowledge and wreak havoc on your property. Moreover, if damaging home structures is not enough, molds can likewise affect not just your health but the health of your loved ones, too. You probably know these by the common term mildew.


Molds live indoors or outdoors, usually in damp, warm, and humid environments. Hence, you'd normally notice these in shower stalls, basements, or any moist area in your household. Mild to severe allergic reactions are possible through exposure to molds, the symptoms of which include wheezing, rashes, watery eyes, coughing, itchy eyes, and runny nose. That is why it's important to nip the problem in the bud, so to speak. How?

The best way to get rid of mold is to implement an effective preventive program to stop mold growth before it even starts. Nevertheless, if the toxigenic fungi have already found their way inside your home, then you may already need to start finding ways to eliminate these molds for good. One of these is getting mold remediation services in Sioux Falls.

Still, much has been heard and said about employing the services mold remediation contractors. That's because just like any other business, the mold industry has its own share of controversies and scams. Is getting a mold remediation contractor a worthwhile investment, or is it just a waste of money?

If mold is present in your home, whether it's black mold, red mold, white mold, or green mold that you have, it does not automatically mean that you need to employ the services of a mold remediation contractor. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in fact, even advises that mold-contaminated areas less than 10 square feet be remediated by the homeowner. Thus, if the mold growth is found only in a small area, there's no need for you to pick up the phone and call an expert remediator.

If the mold is toxic and widespread, however, contacting a mold remediation Sioux Falls contractor may be necessary. But then again, many scams have been reported involving these contractors and you wouldn't want to spend a top dollar on something you're not sure about. If you need to hire one, however, you must look for two things in order to be sure: certification and references.

Before hiring a remediator, check if it is a Certified MoldRemediator or Certified Industrial Hygienist. Otherwise, be on your guard because plenty of bogus contractors charge thousands of dollars for something that is not really worth your money. You can visit the American Industrial Hygiene Association website to know more and see all the certified industrial hygienists in the country.

A background check is also very important before getting a contractor. Ask for at least three references to know if the company does a great job at eliminating molds and learn more about how they do their job.

Employing the services of a mold remediation contractor is not required for small mold growth. If the mold dilemma is too much to handle, though, hiring one is safer and more effective than do-it-yourself remediation.

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