Meet Your Match - Dog Adopter Survey
Meet Your Canine Match at the Al-Van Humane Society
  • - -
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  • Yes No
    I have owned a dog before
    I currently own a dog
  • 2-10 Years Ago 10 years+ Not Currently, but within the past year
    The last time I had a dog was...
  • Yes No
    My dog needs to get along with other dogs
  • Yes No
    Children over 8 years old
    Children under 8 years old
    Elderly People
    Animals other than dogs and cats
  • inside dog outside dog
    My dog will primarily be an...
  • 4 hours or less 4-8 hours 8-10 hours 2 hours or less 12 hours
    My dog needs to be able to be alone (per day)
  • All the time Some of the time Little of the time
    When I'm at home, I want my dog to be my side
  • In the garage In a crate in the house In the yard Loose in the house Confined to one room in the house
    When I'm not at home, my dog will spend his/her time...
  • No Yes
    I want a guard dog
  • No Yes
    I want my dog to hunt or herd with me
  • Not at all Somewhat Very
    I want my dog to be the type that is very enthusiastic in the way s/he shows she loves people
  • Not at all Somewhat Very
    I want my dog to be playful
  • Very Somewhat Not at all
    I want my dog to be laid back
  • No training Some training A lot of training
    I am comfortable doing some training with my dog to improve manners such as jumping, stealing food, and pulling on the leash
  • No Yes
    I (or my children) want to participate in Agility, Flyball, or Obedience with our dog
  • No Yes
    I am interested in a dog with "special needs" (medical or behavioral)
  • It's most important to me that my dog....
    What is the most important thing you want out of a dog (i.e., runs with you, sits on the couch with you, is good with kids, does not bark a lot)