Legal advisory & personal safety
Law enforcement officials, are not required by law, to inform you they are law enforcement.
The only time a police officer, or law enforcement official is required to inform you, is when they are arresting you!

It is illegal to possess, or have any type of firearm, on the same premises as cannabis.
Even if you are a legal medical cannabis patient and have a legal and registered firearm, EVEN IN YOUR OWN HOME !
You could face as much as 80 years in prison.

Physicians, are not legally authorized, to prescribe possession, of amounts beyond State, or Local Laws.
Authorization for amounts larger than state regulations, are regulated and authorized through county as well.
Personal Safety
If you do not use our service, then may we advise the following:
When dealing with other patients, we advise checking their photo ID and medical cannabis certification.
Have them email it in advance if at all possible, then call and verify.
People can easily obtain fake credentials online for a small fee. So it is important that you verify the validity.
Record that information in a safe place, or leave that information with a friend.
It is best never to meet alone and in your best interest to bring a friend with you.
Unfortunately, the conflict in state law and federal law, created the dangers that still exist.
Please be safe, it is a sad fact that people are getting hurt over such a benign plant with miraculous properties.
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