Pre-Holiday Camp Registration Form
This form is the leader's Sign in Registration so if you are Under 18 we need your parent/guardian to look over and sign this.

Complete this form so we have up to date emergency contact details, medical and dietary information for you and if you are under 18 permissions from your parents.

Welcome to the Camp Clayton Family!
  • Under 18's Please ensure that you get your parent/guardian to sign this form BEFORE you come to camp

  • It is Camp Clayton's policy that no medications are administered by Camp staff or leaders without prior arrangement with parents at registration (ie medications provided by parents as necessary for current conditions) or as advised by medical staff on consultation. The only exception to this is paracetamol which may only be administered with the following signature from a legal parent or guardian (for those under 18 years)
  • Please ask you legal guardian or parent to use the mouse or finger if using a touchscreen to sign