Health Benefits When You Sleep Better and Longer

There are numerous health benefits when you sleep better and longer. Getting less than six or seven hours of sleep can lower body defenses against diseases. So when you notice that you're unable to sleep well, it may be a sign of a severe medical condition like sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. It would be a good idea to learn more about the Apnealink air test to find out how you can test yourself or a loved one for sleep apnea in the comfort of your own home.


This at home sleep test is recommended so you can nip the problem in the bud, in case there is, so it will not worsen over time. Sleep deprivation is critical as it can affect your health, which is why sleeping better and longer is something you must strive for.

Here are some benefits of a good and lengthy sleep:

1.    A healthier heart.

Statistics show that the frequency of heart attacks and strokes is higher in the early morning hours. This trend may be due to the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels in sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked with deteriorating cases of blood pressure and cholesterol that are considered risk factors for heart disease and stroke. You can have a healthy with seven to nine hours of sleep at night.

2.    Fends off cancer.

Studies show that people who work late at night suffer more from higher risks of colon and breast cancer. This is being related to the lower level of melatonin in their system. Melatonin is a hormone that induces sleep and which is produced at night. It is also thought to provide some kind of protection against cancer by suppressing the growth of tumors. Light exposure tends to reduce melatonin production. Keeping your room dark helps your body produce more melatonin.

3.    Keeps stress and depression at bay.

Sleeplessness puts the body in a state of stress. Stress puts the body in a state of high alert that triggers an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. These intensify the risks for heart attacks and strokes and unmanaged stress can lead to depression. With elevated levels of stress hormones, it gets harder to sleep. Learning meditation and other relaxation techniques help counter stress and depression as well as heart attacks and strokes.

4.    Improves alertness.

A good night's sleep boosts the energy level making you alert, engaged, and active. This helps you sleep better in the following nights.

5.    Boosts your memory and cognitive functions.

Memory consolidation is a mental process that occurs in sleep. This means that sleep is important to give your brain the time to process your day - make connections between occasions, sensory input, moods, and recollections. Sleep and dreams are important for your brain to make memories and connections. Studies also revealed that sleep and naps could boost brain's cognitive functions.

6.    Restores your system while sleeping.

Sleep is the time when your body can repair the damages inflicted by stress and other harmful exposures. This is the time when the essential amino acids are used to build the protein to repair damage.

There are many critical and huge health benefits when you sleep better. Even when the reasons of not sleeping are justifiable, that is something that the body does not recognize. Habitually losing sleep is bad for the health and must be addressed with haste lest it leads to even worse sleep disorder.

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