PER RESOLUTION 15-04, DTD MAY 14, 2015

Before a member of the public is allowed to speak on an item on the agenda or an item not included on the agenda, he/she must fill out this form and hand it to the Mayor (or the Presiding Officer) prior to the scheduled City Council meeting. At the discretion of the Mayor (or the Presiding Officer) the member of the public will be allowed to address the Council.

Hard-copy forms are available as you enter the Council Chambers.

By completing this form online you are submitting your request to the City Secretary to be included along with those submitted in hard-copy to the Presiding Officer/Mayor.
  • Agendas can be veiwed at:
  • / / :
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    Date of the future Council Meeting You are Requesting to Speak at
  • Main Agenda Area
    Select the Main Agenda Area here, then enter the sub-item number next (below).
  • Sub-Item Number
  • Enter a brief description of what you intend to speak about, please make mention if you have handouts or a media presentation.
  • Please understand that your comments will be limited to 3 minutes on items on the agenda, 5 minutes for items on the agenda that are designated as a public hearing and 5 minutes for items not on the agenda, unless the presiding officer (with the consent of the majority of the City Council) grants you additional time. If your subject of discussion is not on the agenda, the City Council will not be able to take action on your request and may not deliberate on your request except to propose to place your subject on a subsequent City Council meeting. Your comments must be respectful to the members of the City Council, members of the City staff and to the members of the public.
  • Visit:

    for more information on Resolution 15-04
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