Internship Application
Apply for Redeemer Internship here.
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    If still in college, please write expected graduation date.
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    If still in seminary or have not started, please write expected graduation date.


  • Give a brief statement of your theology. (5-7 sentences)
  • Write a brief autobiography. Talk about your family, parents, and siblings, and describe the nature of your relationship with them.
  • What are your vocational aspirations?

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  • Describe your relationship with Jesus Christ. How did you become a Christian? What is your relationship with Jesus Christ like now? Describe your devotional life and your current worship involvement with a local church. How do these impact your faith?
  • What special ministry gifts, talents, and other special skills do you have (communication, leadership, music, art, sports, etc.)? How have you exercised these, particularly in the last two years?

    I have contacted two references to fill out my reference forms and sent them the following link to the reference form:

    My references are:

  • Word or PDF documents only
  • Reference Form Link
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