Public Relations
Monthly Report
  • Select Your Lodge
  • Select Your Lodge
  • Choose District
  • Public Relations Chair
  • News
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Signs
  • E-Mail / Web
  • Other PR
  • Total Number of points
  • District Public Relations Chairman should be on each Lodge bulletin distribution list.

    PR Reports due on / before the 5th day of each month.

  • Reporting Guidelines:

    News= count all newspaper articles, magazine articles, periodical mentions, media
    references. Emphasis is on Elk articles and photos; not just obituaries – 1 pt

    TV = count all television messages highlighting Elk activity including community message
    boards – 1 pt each time played

    Radio= count all radio messages highlighting Elk activity. The (5) individual pre-recorded messages on the Drug Awareness audio cassette can be quite effective with a local tag line from the Lodge spokesperson. Visit your local radio station for a
    share of their community service time allocation – 1 pt each time played

    Signs= count your Lodge identity sign(s), billboards, electronic signs (rentable),
    community service message boards, displayed Elks Care, Elks Share & Drug Awareness signs, Lodge activity signs, Lodge club signs, Get-Acquainted Day posters - 1 pt per month

    E-mail / web site =count external electronic correspondence just as letters (below) and every
    every incoming web site inquiry, connect, linkage, or “hit” by those inquiring about Lodge programs. (not internal administrative matters) – 1 pt ea

    Other = count parades 10 pts; speakers to outside groups 5 pts; fairs/tradeshows 10 pts; magazines 2 pts; letters, notes, event programs, invitations, thank you notes, Proclamations,Student Dictionaries
    distributed, “”cards sent to Servicemen serving in Iraq, event announcements, Lodge bulletin articles, flyers - 1 pt ea
  • Person Submitting Form
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    Home Phone Number
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    Cell Phone Number
  • Email we can contact you at
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