Concussion Signature Form
Parents and Players make your selections below in the space provided.
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  • Parent / Guardian Initials Player Initials
    I have read the concussion facts sheet.
    A concussion is a brain injury, which I am responsible for reporting to my coach, trainer, or team medical staff.
    A concussion can affect my ability to perfomr everyday activities and affect reaction time, balance, sleep, and classroom performance.
    I cannot see a concussion, but I might notice some of the symptoms right away. Other symptoms can show up hours or days after the injury.
    If i suspect a teammate has a concussion, I am responsible for reporting to my coach, trainer or team medical staff.
    I will not return to play in a game or practice if I have recieved a blow to the head or body that results in concussion related symptoms.
    Following a concussionthe brain needs time to heal. You are much more likleyto have a repeat concussionif you return to play before your sypmtoms resolve.
    In rare cases, repeat concussions can cause permanent brain damage and even death.
  • Use your mouse to sign on the line.
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  • Use your mouse to sign on the line.
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