• E / P /Bible
  • 3 scenarios, 3 different dates for this box

    1) We are told in advance of last day of service. Date = 48 hours before last day of care

    2) Patient dies. Date = date we are told of death

    3) We are not currently providing service, then are informed services wont continue. Date = day we are told
  • Go to Activity section of CC for this client, look for note called Termination of Services (it is usually one of the last notes at the top)

    Bottom line: if they died, chooes Patient Died. Otherwise use Goals Met
  • Instructions: if Patient died, choose N/A - Patient Died. Otherwise, choose most accurate option. Ask Staffing or Nursing Dept if unclear.
  • Randomly choose 1 of the 3
  • Dont touch this
  • Dont touch this
  • Bottom line: if Patient died, choose N/A - Patient Died otherwise choose NONE
  • Dont touch
  • Choose the same RN as above
  • (*) Create a note in CC with Tag = "Discharge from HISC Care" and copy and paste this: Discharge form submitted.