Production Details Form
Please use this form to update or change information from your original application. You do NOT need to fill out all sections if you have previously answered these questions on the application and the information is unchanged. If possible, please try to send one Production Details Form with all updated information, but if changes do come up, feel free to submit an additional form or contact . Please ensure that we receive this information at least 2 weeks prior to the production, or we cannot guarantee the judges will have the accurate information when they attend your show.
  • Please upload a full cast list for your production including a headshot key in pdf form.
  • Please upload a full cast list for your production including a headshot key in pdf form.
  • Help our judges know whether these categories are eligible for judging. Please select all areas in which students are taking leadership responsibilities. Students may receive guidance from adults, but the overall design and execution must have been the responsibility of the student(s).
  • Help our judges know whether these categories are eligible for judging. Please select all areas in which students are taking leadership responsibilities. Students may receive guidance from adults, but the overall design and execution must have been the responsibility of the student(s).
  • Please list the names and roles of your students who are taking a leadership role in production and who would qualify for judging in one of the above categories.
  • Provide an ESTIMATE of the overall percentage of the cost that is to be built vs. rented or purchased. We do not need specific numbers, we would just like an overall idea of the scope of the project. e.g., 35% built, 65% rented/purchased.
  • Provide an ESTIMATE of the overall percentage of the cost that is to be built vs. rented or purchased. We do not need specific numbers, we would just like an overall idea of the scope of the project. e.g., 35% built, 65% rented/purchased.
  • Copy and paste your cast list, attach it as a separate document, or email it to
  • If you have any additional information that you feel may be beneficial for the Buckley judges to be aware of, please feel free to include this here.
  • If you have any design files you would like to submit to us, feel free to attach them here. If files are too large or you need to send additional files, send them to
  • If you have any design files you would like to submit to us, feel free to attach them here. If files are too large or you need to send additional files, send them to
  • If you have any design files you would like to submit to us, feel free to attach them here. If files are too large or you need to send additional files, send them to
  • If you have any design files you would like to submit to us, feel free to attach them here. If files are too large or you need to send additional files, send them to
  • If you have any design files you would like to submit to us, feel free to attach them here. If files are too large or you need to send additional files, send them to
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