Delay Refund/Compensation Claim
You may be entitled to a refund/compensation if your journey with us is delayed by more than 60 minutes, as a result of an early or late running bus or a cancellation.

Also use this form if you wish to refund a change voucher.

Compensation and refunds are paid in the form of travel vouchers.

Please complete the form below so you claim can be processed.
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  • If disruption affects the last or only journey on the service that day, we calculate the compensation value differently. Please tick here, and upload any receipt for alternative travel used.
  • Please upload a scan or photo of your ticket here.

    You can upload more than one image if you need to.

    If you are claiming a refund on an unused return ticket or change voucher, please cross through the ticket, tear the ticket in half and then scan both halves.

    Please ensure that the image clearly shows the whole of you ticket.