Cavallo Bus Lines - Trip Evaluation (Old)
Because you are the most important part of our business, we ask that the escort take a few minutes to answer the questions below. In order for us to maintain the best possible quality, please let us know how we are performing to ensure that we are meeting, and exceeding your expectations.
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  • Please enter your charter number
  • Please select the terminal that serviced your trip
  • On a scale of 1 (least) to 5 (most), how satisfied were you with this trip?
  • Excellent Good Fair Poor
    Cleanliness of Motorcoach
    Cleanliness of Restroom
    Cleanliness of Exterior
    Functionality of WiFi
    Functionality of PA System
    Functionality of Power Outlets
  • Excellent Good Fair Poor
    Driver's Rapport with Passengers
    Cooperation with Escort/Leader
    Followed trip routing/Knew Roads
    Maintained Schedule
    Had motorcoach Waiting prior to Departure
    Driving Ability/Safety
    Driver Professionalism/Attire
  • :
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  • Webpage/Search Engine
    Referral from Existing Customer