This form is due no later than JANUARY 9, 2017

The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held July 5 - 13, 2018 in Austin, Texas.

“At the Diocesan Convention held not less than twelve (12) months next before the regular meeting of the General Convention, four (4) clergy qualified to vote in Convention (three (3) of whom must be Parochial Priests), and four (4) laypersons who shall be Confirmed Communicants in good standing, shall be elected to represent this Diocese as Deputies, in said Convention. Such Deputies shall be furnished with a certificate of election, signed by the President and Secretary of the Diocesan Convention. The Diocesan Convention shall in the same manner elect four (4) clergy qualified to vote in Convention three (3) of whom must be Parochial Priests), and four (4) laypersons, with like qualifications, as alternates.”
  • Deputy to General Convention

    Deputies to the General Convention play a critical role in the governance and management of The Episcopal Church including seat, voice, and vote in the House of Deputies. They will take actions on the budget, resolutions, and canons before the General Convention, as well as electing leaders to key committees and work groups.
  • Nominee Expectations

    • Have a commitment to Episcopal church governance and polity.

    • Have a broad, compassionate understanding of the needs of The Episcopal Church, and a strong commitment to the Church’s mission and ministry.

    • The Diocese seeks and strives for voices from the many key constituencies in the Diocese. It is vital that each nominee have a history of working collaboratively with clergy and lay leaders in creating and developing a legislative agenda reflective of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast.

    • It is important that deputies have the ability to function as a team to accomplish these many objectives. It is expected that members of the deputation will form teams to share information, pending legislation and facilitate table discussions. Deputies may serve on a legislative committee and also on interim bodies between Conventions.
  • Time Expectations

    Three or four meetings to prepare (usually 2-3 hours each) and a full-day meeting of the deputations. Members are expected to participate actively in meetings and spend the time necessary to read materials distributed in advance of meetings. In addition, be prepared to travel to and fully participate in ten days of legislative hearings and sessions. At Convention, the normal day runs about 12 hours.
  • Person must be an elected, certified delegate to convention in order to nominate another for General Convention
  • (i.e. St. Mary's, Andalusia)
  • Please upload a clear headshot image of the nominee. This photo will be printed in the Convention booklet along with the nominee bio.