Submit Your Video!

Video Title: *
Please enter the title of the video you are submitting to the SuckAtGames YouTube channel.
User Name: *
Please enter the user name you want credit given to here.
Upload The Video *
Please upload the .avi video file that you have made and we will modify it to be perceptible for the SuckAtGames YouTube channel.
Agreement: *
 If selected you confirm that this is your video footage and is not a rip of any one else's work or already submitted to another YouTube channel. 
If not agreed your video will not even be watched by the SuckAtGames company.
Agreement: *
 If selected you understand that when this video is submitted it will be used as the SuckAtGames company would like to use it. You and SuckAtGames co. will each own %50 of the video. 
If not agreed your video will not even be watched by the SuckAtGames company.
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Please enter any extra note you have here if you don't have any just leave it blank.
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