2018 Call for Keynote & Featured Speakers
The Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values undergraduate fraternal leadership conferences are educational experiences attended by close to 4,000 undergraduate fraternity & sorority leaders, professionals, and volunteers. Additionally, as more than 80% of conference attendees are new, we welcome you to apply through this process annually.

If you are hoping to book speaking engagements around the country and throughout the year, we feel confident that speaking at one of our conferences will increase those opportunities for you.

Selected Speakers will receive the following registration discounts:

General Session Keynotes: 50%
Featured Speaker Keynotes: 25%
Evening Entertainment: 25%

This form must be completed by June 28, 2017 to be considered for our 2018 conferences.

Selections will begin to be announced in August 2017. Please email Ryan O'Rourke, Executive Director, at ryan@aflv.org with any questions.
  • - -
  • This person will receive selection notifications.
  • Program Information

  • *If selected, this description will be used in the official program book. Description is limited to 150 words.

    A few instructions:
    - Write in future tense and the second person.
    - Do not use bullet points.
    - Preview the content and program outcomes/intentions.
    - Employ an educational tone.
    - Focus on the content being provided.
    - Address your target audience.
    - Address any interaction that will occur.
    - Clarify and explain the relevancy of the topic.
  • Please do not list the agency contact email.
  • - -
    For on-site contact purposes. This number will not be shared.
  • Speakers selected for keynote slots will have their introductions pre-recorded at the conference.
  • In order to select speakers for our conferences, an online video sample is required to be submitted. Please provide the link above and please provide a brief description (location, year, audience, and any additional relevant information) of the video below:
  • Conference Preferences:

  • please check all the apply
  • Please be familiar with the goals for each session by reviewing the AFLV Speaker Opportunities, prior to checking all that apply.
  • Silent Auction

  • Please note that this amount should NOT include of travel costs, as the purchasing campus or organization will be responsible for travel expenses. AFLV will also set the opening bid as a percentage of the amount listed.
  • Agreement

  • I Agree
    The applicant speaker is interested in advancing the fraternity/sorority experience.
    The applicant speaker will register for any conference he/she accepts an invitation to speak at.
    The applicant speaker, or he/she's designee, will meet all content deadlines associated with the conference program.
    If selected, the applicant speaker's agency will become an Organizational Partner, which includes exhibiting at the selected 2017 AFLV conference, at minimum.