Purveyrgram Visual Makers Application Form
Please accomplish the Application Form below to get started.
  • First Name & Last Name
  • One Instagram Account per User
  • Only if applicable
  • Please provide the lowest rate for the easiest work/task you can give. This rate is agreed upon by Visual Maker and Purveyr once the form is accomplished. The rate shall change depending on the workload and the agreement between Visual Maker and Purveyr.
  • This rate is agreed upon by Visual Maker and Purveyr. The rate cannot be increased by Visual Maker until the end of 2016.
  • Only if applicable. This rate is agreed upon by Visual Maker and Purveyr once the form is accomplished. The rate cannot be increased by Visual Maker until the end of 2016.
  • X-Deals mean that in exchange for your services, products or other services will be given.
  • Visual Maker Description

    Share a brief description about yourself and your works. Then please choose your craft and the categories best suit you.
  • Please check all that apply
  • Thank you for joining Purveyrgram!

    This is to inform you that you will not be tied up with Purveyrgram. We are not a management agency, but rather a collective of makers who constantly create and are open to collaborate.
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