Getting to Know Your Partner Better
The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine your needs, so that I may learn how to best support you and your partner. This information may require you to provide information of a personal nature and will be held in the strictest confidence. If you feel uncomfortable answering any of these questions, it is ok to decline. Please fill out this form and the Getting to Know Your Partner form together if at all possible.
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  • Getting to Know Your Birth Wishes Better

    The following questions will help me to get a clear understanding of your ideal birth as well as helping you sort out your thoughts and wishes about your upcoming birth. Sometimes during this exercise parents realize that the options they have lined up for their upcoming birth will not meet their needs and wishes. Let me know if that happens and I can provide resources for alternative caregivers or facilities that might better meet your needs. I feel that every woman deserves a birth the way she wants it.

    Imagine you are having your perfect labor and everything proceeds exactly as you imagine it to be. What does that look like to you? Keep the following thoughts in mind as you answer the questions below.
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