Activities/Events Permission Slip
This permission slip enables my son/daughter to participate in the following Student Ministry activity and/or event sponsored on behalf of New Canaan Church. Parent/Guardian, please expect a phone call to confirm your submission of this permission slip.
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  • a) I give permission to the activity facilitator(s) to either provide medical treatment
    and/or obtain professional medical assistance for the child/children listed above in
    case of a medical emergency.
    b) I will provide emergency contact information, including medical insurance information
    based on the activity/event, in case of an emergency.
    c) I fully understand that inappropriate behavior (vulgar language, physical
    confrontations of any kind, repeated disciplinary issues) will not be tolerated at this
    activity/event. If these behaviors are demonstrated, I will be notified to pick up my
    child/children immediately. Designated church personnel will be notified in special
    cases, if needed.
    d) I am responsible for any damages and/or injuries, (along with any associated costs)
    incurred by my child/children while in the care of the New Canaan Church and its
    activity facilitators during this activity/event.