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  • None Some Moderate Considerable Great
    Leaving a positive impression of your company
    Preventing legal action against your company
    Protecting your employment brand
    Reducing HR costs
  • None Some Moderate Considerable Great
    The off-boarding process
    Severance packages
    Outplacement services
    Alumni groups
    Communications with manager during or after off-boarding
    Communications with coworkers during or after off-boarding
  • About Mullin International
    Mullin International is the global leader in Outplacement and Redeployment solutions. Their commitment to improving the Outplacement experience for impacted employees and delivering measurable results through real-time data for their clients has kept Mullin International at the leading edge of our industry and has helped them become the largest privately owned outplacement firm in the world.

    Unlike single solution providers, Mullin International takes a multi-touch approach to Outplacement and Redeployment They have successfully interwoven our experience, proprietary technology, and the human component into a proven process that results in helping candidates find jobs faster.