Pet Owner's Code of Ethics

I will attempt to promote a feeling of fellowship among my fellow members. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will work toward the betterment of the club to the best of my ability and encourage others to do likewise. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will keep my rats in appropriate caging, which allows for proper ventilation and cleaning, on healthy and appropriate bedding, and will clean these cages thoroughly as is necessary to maintain a healthy living environment. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will feed my rats healthy and appropriate food in sufficient amounts. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will seek appropriate veterinary care for all rats under my care. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will not needlessly kill or euthanatize healthy animals. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will never give or sell rats to pet stores. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will obtain new pets from ethical and responsible sources, to encourage the ethical care of rats. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will not seek to breed my rats without research into genetics, husbandry, and budgeting, and without seeking a reputable mentor. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
I will lovingly handle my rats on a regular basis, and care for their social and mental health. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
As a member of the RFL, I am aware that I represent the club. I understand that substantive violations of this Code of Ethics or actions consistently contrary to the best interests of the club and the fancy may result in expulsion from the club. *
 I agree 
 I do not agree 
Email *
My digital signature:
Date of submission *

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