Get Into the Business of Closet Organizing

Everybody wants an organized closet but most people do not know how to achieve it. In fact, most people don't have the time to organize their own closets. If you have a knack for organizing stuff, then you could offer your services to people in need of "organizers for hire". Yes, there is such a thing, and many have found organizing stuff for other people a lucrative career.


You can advertise on Facebook or list your services in the community billboard in your neighborhood. You'd be surprised at how many people would rather pay for your services to organize their closets than do it themselves. All you need are the right paraphernalia to get started with closet organizing. You can shop closeout merchandise to get the essentials you need at significantly low prices. If you enjoy organizing stuff, then you wouldn't even consider it a tedious job.

You have the option to purchase the organizing essentials yourself from a closeout sale. With the right computation and estimate, you would be able to include whatever you spent on the items in your billing, and your clients won't even feel the difference. That's because prices of merchandise in closeout sales are dropped way down.

Here are some organizing essentials you can purchase when you're starting a business of organizing closets:


Most companies nowadays manufacture shelves (whether built in or readymade) that are able to maximize the given space within a closet. Most shelves these days not only are capable of space maximization but also showcase a style that is fit for the modern home. For example, built in shelves that are designed in a way to hold bags and shoes help maximize floor space. This gives you more room to move around and place other belongings on.


There are many types of hangers but the most common hangers being used and sold in the market today are the plastic hangers and the wooden hangers. Wooden hangers last longer as compared to plastic hangers. Wooden hangers are a good investment; they not only provide better protection for your clothing but they also look more classy and stylish as compared to plain plastic hangers.


These days, you'd have a field day shopping for all kinds of organizers. For example, a rotating shoe rack (looks like a common coat rack) can hold a number of shoes and yet consumes only a portion of your closet space. Another example is the wall mounted coat rack or organizer. These not only help you maximize space but it also gives the room some life by occupying empty walls. This wall mounted coat rack can serve as a handbag file, accessory holder, belt holder, and many more.

Laundry sorters: it is important to separate clean clothes from dirty clothes. Using laundry sorters as opposed to just throwing your dirty laundry on the floor helps maintain a clean and odor free closet. This is when closet organizing essential that you can see in almost every household. Sorters, by the name on its own, denote proper segregation and which is what is needed in every closet.

There is a multitude of other closet organizing essentials. You usually find these essentials in home depots, malls, closeout sales, and department stores. Try to know more about professional closet organizing so you can create the perfect business plan.

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