INSPIRE Questionnaire for Migrants
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
    I was too shy
    I could not afford the members fee and team uniform
    I was afraid I would be treated differently because I am a migrant
    I do not understand the local language
    I play sports with my friends so do not need to join a club
    I do not know how to join a sports club or gym in this country
    I do not have a permanent address
  • Please provide details
  • Yes To Some Extent No Does Not Apply
    Visual demonstrations of training drills
    Someone translated
    I received a glossary with the most important terms and phrases
    There was a direct contact person for me
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Don't Know
    I don’t know about opportunities/facilities
    I have little money
    I don't have sports equipment
    The training facilities are too far away
    I cannot wear what I want
    I don’t speak the language well enough
    I don’t know anyone in the club/I am not confident enough to join
    I have never participated in sports activities and although I am interested in them, I have always been too anxious to join in
    I don’t have the time
    I don’t have childcare during the training time
    I am afraid I will be treated differently from other participants because I am a migrant
    My Family doesn’t support or allow me to participate in any sports activities
    I am not interested in sport
  • Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Don't Know
    I feel more healthy
    I meet new people and make friends
    It motivates me to be active and do things
    I learn the language