Midwest Construction Company
Customer Information form
Midwest Construction Company
Customer Information form

Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Phone number *
Address *
What type of work do you need done? *
 Snow Plowing 
 Insurance Repair 
 Water Mitigation 
when would you like to have the work completed by? *
 within 1 month 
 1-3 Months 
 3-6 Months 
Do you have specific plans/colors/optons in mind already? *
 Not really 
 I would like to know what options are available 
what research have you done on this project so far? *
What is most important to you on this project? *
Where did you get our Number from? *
 Verizon phone book 
 Homepages phone book 
Where did you first hear about us? *
 Verizon phone book 
 Homepages phone book 
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Midwest Construction is an award winning remodeling and restoration company. We appreciate your interest in getting quality work done and we will get back to you shortly to schedule a time to meet with you.