Foster Application
Your Age
City, Zip Code
Names and ages of all others living in household:
If renting, please list name & phone # for landlord or home owner:
What type of animals are you interested in fostering? (Please mark all that apply)
Nursing mom with kittens
Orphaned kittens (no mother cat, needs bottle fed)
Weight gainer kittens (weaned kittens, not big/old enough for adoption floor)
Medical special needs (adult or kitten)
Nursing mom with puppies
Bottle babies (no mother dog, needs bottle fed)
Weight gainer (weaned puppy, not big/old enough for adoption floor)
Weaned puppies (old/big enough for adoption floor, awaiting kennel space at FAHS)
Medical special needs (adult or puppy)
What length of time would you prefer to foster an animal in your home?
1-3 weeks
4-8 weeks
8-12 weeks
As long as needed
Have you cared for nursing or orphaned kittens/puppies before?
Where will the animal(s) be kept?
Do you understand that:
Foster animals may need "booster" vaccinations within the next few weeks, which will require shelter trips?
Foster animals will need an "adjustment period" in your home - and that during this time, they may have accidents, destroy belongings, or other undesirable behaviors?
FAHS will provide food, litter, medical care, and supplies?
Children should never be left unsupervised with an animal, even the friendliest pet?
Name, Age, Species, Breed of Current Pets:
Are all cats/dogs in your home spayed/neutered?
Name & Phone # of your Veterinarian:
Are vet records in your name? If not, whose?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain. (This will not necessarily preclude you from fostering a pet.)
I understand that FAHS retains all ownership of all animals that enter its foster care program. It is my responsibility to coordinate transportation of my foster animal to FAHS for vet checks. I understand that any expenses incurred by taking a foster animal to a non-shelter veterinarian will be solely my responsibility and I will not be reimbursed by FAHS for such costs. Any medical treatment (outside of routine vaccinations and spay/neuter) for a foster animal with a FAHS veterinarian must be authorized first by the FAHS Shelter Manager or Director or I will be responsible for covering those costs. I understand FAHS has limited resources and may not always be able to treat an animal for a particular illness/condition. I understand that I may be asked to return my foster animal to FAHS to be placed on the adoption floor and I must release the animal to FAHS upon such request. Failure to do so will result in confiscation of the animal from my home and removal of my name from the approved foster care home list.
I hereby release FAHS, its successors and assigns, from any liability for damages that a foster animal may cause to person, property, or other animals. I further acknowledge that a foster animal may carry a disease that may be transmitted to my own animals (such as parvo, panleukopenia, intestinal parasites, etc) or a zoonotic disease (such as ringworm) that can pass to humans, and I release FAHS of any liability and/or cost associated with treatment of my own personal pets or any humans should this occur. I am taking this animal into my care at my own risk, and I accept liability for any personal injury or damage it may cause.
I understand that if there is any question of abuse or mistreatment of a foster animal while in my care, it will be removed immediately by FAHS and I will no longer be allowed to participate in the foster care program. I may also be removed from the program should I fail to comply with any reasonable instructions or requests made to me by shelter management.