CHRA Awards - Deadline is December 14th, 2018
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  • Nominee Information

  • If the nominee is an organization, please provide contact name:
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  • Nomination Letter

    Along with the completed questionnaire, please submit a nomination letter (500-750 words) and a minimum of one letter of support by December 14th, 2018. Your nomination letter should address these three questions:

    1. Provide a brief description of how the nominee meets the criteria specified for this award (see website for detailed eligibility criteria). If the nomination is highlighting a specific program, build or retrofit that the nominee was instrumental in completing please describe the key features, outcomes, effectiveness and the level to which the program, build or retrofit initiative was replicated locally, provincially or nationally.

    2. Describe the candidate that you are nominating. Include past achievements, years of service, and their contribution to affordable housing and/or ending homelessness.

    3. Describe what makes this nominee stand out in comparison to others doing similar work locally, provincially or at a national level.