Pamira Bezmen Photography Client Questionnaire
"LOVE Your Walls" Signature Design Service by Pamira Bezmen

(Pamira Bezmen Photography "LOVE Your Walls" Ozel Tasarim Servisi Musteri Anketi)
  • -please specify complete address, as this information will be used for shipping and mailing of your actual products and information packets
    (bu bilgi, urunlerinizin ve bilgilerin size postalanmasi icin kullanilacaktir. tam bilgi vermeniz rica olunur)
  • - please specify if any of the participants have any physical limitations or conditions, so that I can design the session to care for their comfort
    (fotograf seansini en rahat edecekleri sekilde tasarlayabilmem icin lutfen katilan kisilerin herhangi bir fiziksel rahatsizligi veya engeli olup olmadigini soyler misiniz)
  • Baby 1
    Baby 2
    Baby 3
    Baby 4
  • please select as many as applicable
    (zevkinize uyan tum alternatifleri isaretleyin lutfen)
  • -please only specify the walls where you think you will wish to display your images. e.g. master bedroom: cream, nursery: powder pink, living room: pale yellow, etc.
    (lutfen sadece resimlerinizi sergilemeyi dusundugunuz duvarlari belirtin. ornek: ebeveyn odasi: krem, bebek odasi: toz pembe, oturma odasi: ucuk sari, gibi))
  • Wall color (duvar rengi)
    Furniture color (mobilya rengi)
    Floor finish: wood/carpet/both (yerler: ahsap/hali/karisik)
    Floor color (yer rengi)
    Theme & style (tema & stil)
  • Don't Like (begenmiyorum) Neutral (farketmez) Like (begeniyorum) Like a Lot (cok begeniyorum)
    Geometric patterns (geometrik sekiller)
    Lacy, frilly things (dantelli, firfirli seyler)
    Colorful designs (renkli tasarimlar)
    Children's themes (cocuksu temalar)
    Romantic & vintage themes and outfits (romantik, eski havali temalar ve kiyafetler)
    Natural, plain things (dogal, sade seyler)
    Cutting edge (son moda)
    Casual (rahat)
    Flamboyant, showy (famfatal, havali)
    Black & White (siyah & beyaz)
    Retro (retro)
    Minimalist (minimal)