Princess Cruises Reservation Form
Please fill out a separate form for each passenger.

Any field marked with a red * is a required field to secure your reservation and book your cabin. You may call us at a later date with any of the other information if you do not have it at this time.

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  • You can enter "not sure" or N/A if you don't have one
  • By selecting Yes, you authorize Grand American Tours to forward a copy of your form to your group leader on your behalf. Passport and cc information will be omitted.
  • There is a fee to change an incorrect name. If you are renewing your passport, please provide the name on your old passport or the name you plan to use.
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    if different from your primary phone
  • By entering your email address, you will receive an email confirmation of your submission which includes a copy of the completed form. Passport and credit card information will be omitted.
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  • This number can be found in the top right corner of the page with your picture and is 9 digits long. If you are renewing your passport, your number will change so you can leave this blank and call us when you receive the new information.
  • You should find this on the same page to the right of the issue and expiration dates.
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    Your passport must have an expiration date at least 6 months AFTER your trip return date.
  • Please provide the date of your occasion if it will be during your cruise.
  • Please include Inside, Outside, Balcony, etc and letters or numbers of your cabin category
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    Please enter the amount without a comma. Your credit card will not be charged this amount
  • Please let us know if there are any special requests you have about the location of your cabin such as: the exact cabin number, if you would like to be near elevators, on a specific deck, near friends, etc. Requests are not guaranteed.
  • Make reservations through the Princess Medallion app
  • Please let us know of any food allergies or dietary requirements.
  • Discounts for veterans may be available. We will let you know if they are.
  • Please use this space to indicate your TSA or Frequent Flyer numbers, and any requests about your seat assignments. We will do our best to apply this information to your flight reservations if possible.
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  • If there is anything we didn't cover in the form above, please leave us a note here. Thank you!
  • $ .
    Please enter the amount without a comma. Your credit card will be charged this amount. Your deposit will secure your reservation. The rest of your trip cost is due by your final payment date. Payments towards your trip can be made by clicking MAKE A PAYMENT in the top right corner of our website or by calling us at 1-800-423-0247.

  • Protected in vault Data collected via fields that have our security seal are encrypted and stored with the highest global security standard — PCI compliance. Your data is absolutely safe in Vault.
  • If you click the Submit button and nothing happens, please make sure all of the required fields are completed.