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Select Ad Choice
"Sure Sell" single item for sale - 40 words allowed, runs up to 5 weeks
Garage Sale ad - 100 words allowed, runs one week
"Base Rate ad" for Events, Notices, Lost, Wanted, or other situations that do not fit another category - 40 words allowed, runs 2 weeks
"Personal ad*" in Herald Journal
"Personal ad*" in DC Enterprise-Dispatch
"Personal ad*" in Delano HJ
*"Personal" ads are typically cards of thanks, memoriams, open house notices, etc. Up to 100 words are allowed. These run one week in your newspaper of choice.
Ad copy: (see checklist at right)
"Sure Sell" up to 40 words, runs 5 weeks or until sold
Garage Sales up to 100 words (1 week)
Personals up to 100 words (1 week, 1 paper)
Please select
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