Crane Freight Photo Contest Form
By completing this form, I agree that Crane Freight will have complete ownership of attached pictures, etc., including the entire copyright, and may use them in illustrations, bulletins, exhibitions, videotapes, reprints, reproductions, publications, advertisements, and any promotional or educational materials in any medium now known or later developed, including the Internet. I acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation, etc for the use of such pictures, etc.
All Completed Forms are handled by Crane Freight & Cartage.
A copy of our Privacy Policy can be seen here.
I confirm I have read the information above and I accept the Privacy Policy
Consent and Release
I have read, understood and accept the consent and release statement
Please select a catagory
Please select
Company Driver
Contractor/Owner Operator
If Other please explain
Street Address
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Image Attachment -1 (10Mb max per image )
Tell us about Image -1 Where was it taken, when, who is in the photo, etc.
Image Attachment -2 (10Mb max per image )
Tell us about image -2 Where was it taken, when, who is in the photo, etc.
Image Attachment -3 (10Mb max per image )
Tell us about Image -3 Where was it taken, when, who is in the photo, etc.
Image Attachment -4 (10Mb max per image )
Tell us about Image -4 Where was it taken, when, who is in the photo, etc.