KnG Membership Form>
Please Choose: Competitive, Hybrid, Community
  • *If you don't know how to find this information, go into a game on CSGO and once you are in a map open console and type status look for your name and copy or write down EXAMPLE = Steam_ID: 0:1:2347685
  • *If you don't know how to find this information, Open up Epic Games and once you are in, Click your profile at the bottom left side of the launcher. Once a menu pops up go to manage account and at the top of the account summary there will be an id code.
    It looks like this
    Ex: b1d7bbcee27e4dd185e3eeba2070a6f5

    Don't worry, this doesn't allow anyone to do anything to you. This is admins way of knowing who you are. Please ask an admin if your having troubles getting your code.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about this application, please type it in the box upove and an admin will respond to you in a timely manner. Thank You!
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