Impact Circle Responses
If you have organized an Impact Circle and want to share your response with the museum, please fill out the form below.
You can upload a response in any medium (writing, photo, video, etc.). Your response will be included in a section of the exhibition dedicated to collaboration, social practice, and local impact of Hank Willis Thomas’s work.
We will not display submissions that contain hate speech or other derogatory content.
Important Note: If you have uploading issues, please complete the form and send your files to via Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google or other file sharing platforms. Thank you.
Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about your circle – names not required)
City/State (optional)
Impact Circle Prompt
Please select
How do we heal the wounds inflicted by racism, deepened over centuries, and revealed to more people in our country this summer? (September 17)
What does civic engagement mean to you, and how will you make that commitment? (October 1)
What steps are necessary to live in a more equitable society? What would you personally be willing to sacrifice to make this a reality? (October 29)
Please review and accept our terms:
I give permission for the Cincinnati Art Museum to use this submission on its website, social media platforms, and in the Hank Willis Thomas: All Things Being Equal… exhibition. Your group name/description will be included along with your submission.