Rush Adventure Tours Membership
I hereby apply for membership to Rush Adventure Tours.

The following information submitted below is true and correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of sending this application.
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  • For Example -
  • The applicant acknowledges and understands that Enduro World, Rush Adventure Tours and/or it’s members are not liable in respect of any injury or damage that may be caused to the applicant or his/her possessions and belongings in respect of:
    (a) the negligence of Enduro World, Rush Adventure Tours or it’s members and/or any other person authorised or not whilst the said applicant is engaged in Enduro World\Rush Adventure Tours activities;
    (b) any default or breach arising out of or occurring in any manner or way through the fault of Enduro World, Rush Adventure Tours or it’s members or any other persons authorised or not whilst the said applicant is engaged in Enduro World, Rush Adventure Tours activities.
    The applicant acknowledges and understands that he/she enters all activities entirely at his/her own risk and acknowledges that all trail rides are social fun trail rides.

    You are responsible for your own actions .

    I agree that I am an experienced rider and have been riding for more than one year. I understand that this is a enduro trail fun ride.
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